If ever there was a blunder of gargantuan proportions, it was the series of errors, mistakes, vindicative actions, ineptitudes, accusations, recriminations, and lies all perpetrated as a result of the State of New Jersey's application for funding under the 2010 Federal Government's Race to the Top program. At a time when Gov. Christie was ruthlessly slashing the state education budget, resulting in layoffs, loss of special programs, etc., these funds were seen as a stimulus for quality education and innovation in many school systems in the state.
The lead actor for the majority of application process was then Commissioner of Education Bret Schundler whose office completed the 1000 page application which sought input and support from participating education districts AND their teachers' union. Therein lay the rub. Gov. Christie's vendetta against the union was such that he ordered last minute changes to this previously negotiated submission, and in the process errors were made which proved to be the undoing of the New Jersey application.
Herein lies the tale:
Attacks Fly as State Loses $400 Million (NY Times 8-25-2010)
Christie Blames Schundler for Loss of Race to Top Compromise (nj.com 6-1-2010)
Where NJ Lost Points (NJ.com 8-25-2010)
Fired Education Commissioner Says Governor Defamed Him (NY Times 9-1-2010)
Hatred of Union Led to Grant Loss (NY Times 10-7-2010)
What is particularly revealing about this entire incident is how the Governor first blamed the Obama Administration and its Dept of Education for their unwillingness to permit correction of the errors, a charge which later proved false.
Then he directed blame toward his own Commissioner of Education, Bret Schundler, and asked for his resignation, which was not forthcoming, so he was terminated.
Then when documentary evidence substantiate Schundler's contention that the errors occurred after Christie and Co. made damaging revisions to the application, Christie continued to place blame elsewhere.
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